French Visitors!

Thank you to Mrs Berry, Arno and Fabienne for visiting school today and teaching us about French language and French culture. We found the opportunity to speak to people from France really enriching!Did you know that the sound a dog makes (woof, woof) in English is different in French (waff, waff)?

Football Winners!

A huge congratulations to all of the Doddi football team for their fantastic joint victory in The Teign Valley Cup! The impressive skill, energy and teamwork of the Doddi team was clear for everyone to see. What for me, was equally impressive, was the way that the children conducted themselves competitively but at the same time showing much kindness to others throughout the competition. What a combination of skills for a team to have! CONGRATULATIONS DODDI!

We would like to thank all of the parents for supporting us and helping to make the event a memory to treasure- thank you.