Congratulations Year 6

Goodbye to our wonderful year 6. You have been such fantastic students and have shown that “Doddi Spirit” every day of your time at this school. We will miss you greatly but you are very well prepared for your next steps in school life! Have a fantastic summer everyone! ☀️

Skern Lodge Superstars

Sorry, we tried to send out this blog while away but the internet was down at Skern. Better late than never…

Our first day on residential and the children are having a fantastic time. This afternoon, the children conquered the high ropes course completing a series of gravity defying challenges. The children showed heaps of determination to challenge themselves today- very well done! This evening, we will be enjoying a scavenger hunt and then a swim in the outdoor pool. Our instructors have already commented on what a capable, well behaved group Doddi are-great work, As for the weather…it’s been very windy but no rain and we have been able to all activities as planned! 😀